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Alveo Integrates Thomson Reuters DataScope Plus

Alveo Integrates Thomson Reuters DataScope Plus

27 November 2017 – Following its earlier announcement of investment in new loaders that support MiFID II reference and pricing reporting requirements, Alveo is proud to announce today its integration with Thomson Reuters’ new DataScope Plus service.

DataScope Plus is an end-of-day pricing and continuously updating reference data solution that covers over 11 million securities. Using this bulk service, clients will be able to receive large universes in a cost effective and timely manner with reference data updates every 15 minutes, and the coverage of consolidated fields from sources such as ANNA, ESMA and Trading Venues.

Alveo’s DataScope Plus loader incorporates an out-of-the-box data model to capture Thomson Reuters’ data instantly. All Alveo loaders and models are fully maintained, meaning that all announced additions and changes from vendors and/or standards such as ISO (e.g. MIC additions) are captured and made available in maintenance releases. A dedicated and specialised team of financial data analysts alleviate the burden of monitoring, analysing, implementing and testing these changes, saving clients time and resources. In addition, Alveo has maintained normalisation rules and an extended standard data model that contains MiFID fields, allowing different vendors’ data to be compared for improved quality, and functionality to consolidate data into a Golden Copy.

Boyke Baboelal, Director Data Services, Alveo, explains: “In support of helping our clients meet their evolving reference and pricing requirements, especially with MiFID II in mind, Alveo is proud to announce its integration with Thomson Reuters’ DataScope Plus service. DataScope Plus is a must-have for any MiFID infrastructure supporting trade and transaction reporting. And, with our maintained loader, part of the MiFID II challenge becomes significantly simplified. Loaders in Prime, such as the DataScope Plus loader, allow clients to focus on quality and cost efficiency, and providing good service to downstream users of MiFID II data.”

The loader, which delivers a full set of MiFID II reference data fields, is available with immediate effect, giving investment firms plenty of time for testing before January 3, 2018.

Mr. Baboelal concludes: “Maintained vendor feeds offer huge benefits to financial institutions. A common data foundation is the key to managing the depth, breadth and complexity of the data requirements, and the way in which this data needs to be rapidly yet accurately aggregated and reported upon. Alveo is pleased to be able to support our clients in providing this framework. The latest enhancements within Prime take firms one step closer to meeting today’s and future regulatory demands, as well as achieving significant operational benefits.”



*Please note: This press release was originally published under Alveo Technologies. As of the publication date, Alveo Technologies is now known as Prime EDM under Gresham. Any prior Alveo content has been updated to reflect Gresham's current branding and offerings.