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Neil Sandle - Director, Product Management

7 Data Sins Series: Achieving and Keeping Data Quality From One-Off to a Continuous Process
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Neil Sandle - Director, Product Management

7 Data Sins Series: Metadata Matters
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Stephen Pantry - Product Manager

Revolutionizing your post-trade and banking reconciliation process
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Todd Sloan - Buy-Side Solutions Strategist

Solving Buy-Side Investment Managers' Corporate Actions Data Challenge
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Todd Sloan - Buy-Side Solutions Strategist

4 Reasons Why Hedge Funds Should Shadow Their Fund Administrator
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Jennifer McMackin, SVP of Data and Managed Services

The integral role of data integrity in overhauling regulatory reporting; fail to prepare, prepare to fail
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Christian Mendonça

The shift to T+0 settlement: Why it is time to see this as an opportunity for business
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Philip Flood - Business Development Director, Regulatory and STP Services

EMIR Refit provides zero tolerance for manual processes; banks need to radically overhaul their control processes to stay on top
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Neil Vernon - Chief Technology Officer

ISO 20022: What Does it Mean for the Future?
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Philip Flood - Business Development Director, Regulatory and STP Services

SWIFT MT to MX converters: Don’t throw away your biggest asset
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Jennifer McMackin, SVP of Data and Managed Services

Regulatory compliance in data reconciliation
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Jennifer McMackin, SVP of Data and Managed Services

Best Practices for Efficient Data Collection and Audit Readiness
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